Resin Tutorial: How to make dominoes | White & Gold Marble

- epoxy resin
- dominoes set silicone mold
- mixing cups
- mixing sticks
- opal shimmer powder
- cream alcohol ink
- gold marble mica powder
- black acrylic paint
- rubbing alcohol
Step 1: Prepare and mix resin.
Step 2: Set aside around 20 ml of the resin and divide the rest equally.
Step 3: To the 20 ml of resin add gold marble mica powder.
Step 4: To both of the other cups add cream alcohol ink. Add small amounts of the ink at a time. If needed add more later to get the desired result.
Step 5: Add opal shimmer powder to one of the cups with the cream ink.
Step 6: Mix each cup well, making sure that the pigments are thoroughly and evenly distributed into the resin.
Step 7: Pour the resin into the silicone mold. For the marble effect, add some white resin at one end of a domino, then add a small amount of gold resin using the stir stick. Fill the rest of the cavity with white resin mix. Watch the video for a better understanding for how to do this step.
Step 8: Repeat step 7 for the rest of the dominoes.
Step 9: Wait for the resin to cure and fully harden.
Step 10: When the resin has fully cured, de-mold the dominoes from the silicone mold.
Step 11: Paint the detail of the dominoes with black acrylic ink.
Step 12: Wait for the paint to dry.
Step 13: Dip a cotton swab into rubbing alcohol and clean the excess paint from the surface of the dominoes.
Step 14: If needed, polish the dominoes using a dry cotton ball/swab.
Very lovely. However, this was supposed to be from beginning to end in the end is the finishing of the top where the lip comes up all the way around, which are like to know if you sand it do it afterwards so the backside looks appropriate and the edge can’t cut peoples fingers